MAP Policy:
MAP (Minimum Advertised Price) is in place to ensure price integrity of our products in the market.
This policy applies to our direct customers and to our distributors’ customers. Special marketing campaigns or promotional activities below MAP pricing may be granted but for a short duration. These must include a direct marketing component and be approved in writing by Pulsar. (Contact your representative for details)
Customer Response Policy:
- An official company email will be sent to the offending party alerting them that they are non-compliant with our MAP policy. The email will include a list of offending SKUs. The customer has 24 hours to respond and comply with our MAP
- If no correspondence is received about the violation after 48 hours all orders will be held until the customer acknowledges the violation.
- If the customer has not responded and/or complied with the MAP policy after 10 business days from original notice, Pulsar will stop all shipments of the offending item until the customer becomes compliant.
Customer Non-Compliance Consequences: (Management Approval Required)
- Dealer’s pricing will be reviewed, and special pricing will be discontinued.
- If a dealer quotes below MAP a 2nd time, the dealer will be automatically moved to the bottom of the product allocation list.
- The 3rd violation will result in the dealer being removed as an authorized dealer.
Do Not Sell List: (Management Approval Required)
- Pulsar may cease shipments for items that violate MAP policies. Dealers who continually fail to follow the policy may lose Authorized Dealer status and be banned from selling Pulsar brand.